Former patient Mary Ann Rodricks experienced excruciating shoulder pain, that is until she made an appointment with Dr. Wheeler! Read her surgery story below.
“My problems started after reaching back in my chair to retrieve a magazine from the floor. The pain in my shoulder was severe! Following that episode, I experienced both good days and bad days. I realized that it was getting more difficult to get things done using my right arm and the pain was getting worse, so I set up an appointment with Dr. Spencer Wheeler who diagnosed that I had a torn rotator cuff.
I underwent conservative treatment, unfortunately to no avail. I then returned to see Dr. Wheeler at which time we discussed surgery. I had a trip planned so I postponed my surgery, which was a big mistake on my part! I had surgery done arthroscopically on my right shoulder in January of 2020. Much repair was needed on that shoulder due to the damage I had done to it. My surgery went well, and I was discharged the same day. Physical therapy began the day after my surgery which was painful, but had to be done. My recuperation was difficult due to the fact that I am impatient and had to learn to do things with my left arm! Approximately 5-6 months after surgery, I was able to return to doing my routine daily care and also minor household chores.
Dr. Wheeler was very patient and understanding in caring for me through this experience. I greatly appreciated that he took time to answer my questions, which at times were many. His surgical staff and medical assistant were professional and caring, as well as the physical therapists. In addition to thanking the team at Chatham Orthopaedics, I would be remiss if I did not mention all the help I received from neighbors, friends, and family!
Many thanks to Dr. Wheeler and to the Chatham Orthopaedics staff!”